It’s not the bill collector – Conservative Party members will out the next month seeking signatures

Posted 22 February 2020 at 2:56 pm


Two things are coming up and you have from the 25th of February till about March 30th.

One is the political committees are reorganizing this year. They are the ones that choose the candidates that are put up to represent you.

Most of the committees in each town are run by those that are in an elected position, friends or family members of them so the candidate selection is stacked against anyone trying to get an endorsement who is not the chosen one. Sad but true.

If you are not happy with the current crop of representatives that you have or just want to get involved politically so you can have an independent say then you can pick up a petition at the board of elections and carry it yourself. Remember this: The power to pick candidates is all in the committee. You won’t get another chance for two more years.

The other is the Conservative Party Committee members will be out circulating petitions and seeking signatures for candidates and committee people. So if you see a person at your door with a clipboard and papers, it’s not the bill collector. It’s a person trying to get signatures to keep the committee going and to get candidates on the ballot for you to vote for and represent you. Help them out.

We do this for no pay and we pay for our own gas. All we want is a quick signature and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the candidates. We vet each candidate with a prior questionnaire and a personal interview.

We take our endorsements seriously to bring you the best qualified candidates to serve you. We are the party of term limits. Thank you for your time.

Paul Lauricella Jr.


Orleans County Conservative Party Chairman