It’s been a busy summer for construction at Medina school district

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 1 September 2024 at 8:55 am

Contractors rebuilt roads, tackled other projects

Photos by Tom Rivers

MEDINA – The main campus road at Medina Central School was closed off to traffic on Aug. 2 in front of Clifford H. Wise Intermediate School. The road was rebuilt and repaved this summer.

It’s part of a $34.3 million project that was approved by school district voters on Feb. 14, 2023. State aid is covering $29.9 million.

The project includes $17.3 million at Junior-Senior High School, $9.8 million at Clifford H. Wise Intermediate, $6.2 million at Oak Orchard Primary School, and $1.1 million at the bus garage.

Work will continue on the project, including next summer.

Here is the repaved road in front of the district office on Saturday morning.

The road is freshly paved here in front of the junior/senior high school.

“We’ve had a real busy summer in terms of construction,” said Dr. Mark Kruzynski, the district superintendent.

He listed the main projects at the district this summer:

  • The main roads were completely rebuilt, and the parking lots at the Junior-Senior High School were milled and repaved.
  • A new dehumidification system is in the process of being installed in the pool, which will be ready for swim season. Next summer, the pool itself will be completely rebuilt.
  • Foundation work for our new band, tech and ag rooms has been ongoing all summer, and construction will continue throughout the year.
  • New bathrooms are being added to the second floor of the junior/senior high school and near the cafeteria at Oak Orchard. Those will be completed by November.
  • Work on the new library at Oak Orchard started this summer and will also be completed by November. (Once the library is completed, the old library at Oak will be converted to district offices. Once those new offices are finished, the current district offices will be converted to classrooms.)

“Next summer, all of the entrances and main offices will be reconstructed with enhanced security for all entrances,” Kruzynski said.

The parking lot by the Junior-Senior High School has construction equipment and materials on Saturday.