Albion baseball team in 1933

Posted 5 November 2013 at 12:00 am

By Bill Lattin
Orleans County Historian

ALBION – The Albion High School baseball team had its picture taken in 1933 in front of what was then the Albion High School on East Academy Street. (The building is now the Albion Academy and is used for senior citizen apartments, Nutri-Fair and the Arc of Orleans County.)

What is really great about this picture is that all the players are identified.

The team includes the bat boy in front named Richard Foster.

Second row, from left: Pat Monacelli, Anthony Glenn Peter “Coke” Ross, Philbrook Vick, Nellio DiGuilio, Amaday “Cal” Colonna, Edmond Biordi, Louis Hollenbeck, Clyde Furness and Robert Bloom.

Third row: Peter DeLuca, F. Craig Campbell, Sam Juliana, Sam Martillotta, Louis “Pooch” Massaro, John Russelli, Jack Newman, Ralph Tiffany, Robert Wood and Coach Spierdowis.

Back row: Angelo Bell (manager), Mike Christopher, Ted “Bear” DiLaura, Steve Adams, Bruce Farnsworth, Dominic DiLodovico, Frank “Pete” Morrow, George Dragon, Joe Christopher and Henry Dragon.