In border trip, Jacobs turns to fearmongering rather than seeking solutions

Posted 9 July 2021 at 7:16 pm


My representative is Congressman Chris Jacobs. In January, Mr. Jacobs voted to overturn the election in Pennsylvania and Arizona, even after both states certified their election for Joe Biden as free and fair.

Neither Mr. Jacobs nor has anyone else ever shown any evidence to the contrary. Before the vote Mitch McConnell told lawmakers: “The voters, the courts and the states have spoken. If we overrule them, it would damage our Republic forever.”

My congressman does not care if he damages our Republic forever, all he cares about is himself. For example, Mr. Jacobs traveled to the Southern border with other Republicans and Mr. Anthony Aguero who was hired as a guide and translator. (CNN reported on 7/2/21 that Mr. Aguero was one of the insurrectionist on Jan. 6th and a known criminal, with several arrests, the last for vehicular assault.)

The trip to the Southern border was a staged political event to demonize and dehumanize migrants coming this country for a better life. My congressman wants to blame President Biden for these people coming to America. Never mind that migrants from Central America and Mexico pick our fruits and vegetables and milk our dairy cows.

Mr. Jacobs wants to block their entrance, which financially hurts local farmers. My congressman would rather pal around with insurrectionist and criminals than work on real problems like immigration reform.

Instead of running on a policy platform, my congressman wants to run on fearmongering and scapegoating. We deserve better.

William Fine
