In Barre, support candidates who want progress for the community

Posted 11 October 2021 at 3:47 pm


A very important vote is coming up on November 2nd, which can determine whether the Town of Barre will be embroiled in fighting and make no progress or move forward on many issues that need addressing.

A vote for Sean Pogue for Town Supervisor and write-in candidates, Steve Harling and Tom Decker, will insure that Barre will move in a positive direction.

Steve and Tom, as new candidates will have fresh ideas, are anxious to work on issues such as water districts, improved infrastructure, and so much more. They want to calm things down and restore respect and positivity to the community.

Over the past five years, due to the controversy surrounding the turbine issue, there has been much strife and anger at every Town Board meeting. Steve and Tom want to change that! It doesn’t matter if you are for or against the Heritage Wind project, you will want to see a positive change!

While Steve and Tom are for green energy, they know the application has been sent to the state, which will approve the project or not. They have no say at this point, but they will have a say in managing the $1.2 million dollars that will come to Barre each year from this project!

And this is why you need to vote! The other candidates (George McKenna and Dave Waters) have adamantly campaigned against the Heritage Wind Project. They say they want to challenge everything. They have made comments that the money coming in won’t really benefit Barre.

The money coming in from the project is about the size of the current budget. Instead of using this money to reduce taxes, improve equipment and improve the town itself, it could be used to bring lawsuits against both Heritage Wind and New York State. This will ensure endless fighting and rancor!

Look what happened in the Town of Somerset, they fought against the Lighthouse Project and in 2018 spent $400,000 out of their budget. There is no other way to fight back except through litigation. Litigation usually goes nowhere. There could cancel out all or most of the benefits that Barre could have had otherwise!

Don’t let this happen! Let the money coming in from green energy projects benefit Barre and not line the pockets of lawyers!

Louise Henderson
