In Barre, don’t support one-issue candidates who oppose turbines

Posted 15 October 2021 at 2:16 pm


This letter comes from life-long residents of the Town of Barre.

Our first and most important point is to inform the residents of Barre of the upcoming election in November for council and supervisor positions. Barre has the opportunity to move forward with a project which will enhance the town and offer benefits to each town resident.

The Heritage Wind project is Barre’s opportunity for a new beginning and to make its mark as a pioneer in our county for progress. This clean energy project will provide many financial advantages for school districts, roads and highways, parks and recreational areas and will offer tax breaks for all Barre residents.

Unfortunately  we have opposition in our town who don’t want progress. They want to shut down this opportunity for everyone in Barre. They have vilified the Town Board for doing their job,  which is to consider the proposal, examine the positives and negatives, and make a decision they feel is in the best interest of the town.

Nothing short of slamming the door in Heritage Wind’s face would’ve been acceptable to them.   They are running on one agenda – Stop the Wind Turbines. Electing officials who are clearly running on one agenda is dangerous and counterproductive.

If you are a resident who wants to benefit financially in the form of lower taxes, better roads and parks, and if you want progress make sure you vote for candidates who join town government for the right reasons.

Their agenda is to serve you, working together, growing and keeping our community rural while protecting our values and environment with compassion and enthusiasm!

Vote on Nov. 2nd for Sean Pogue as town supervisor and write-in candidates, Steve Harling and Tom Decker, for Town Board.

Kirk and Alice Mathes
