Husband gets prison, wife probation for drug crimes
ALBION – A husband and wife were both sentenced in Orleans County Court today with the husband getting a year in prison and his wife three years on Probation.
Christopher A. Saddler, 30, of 304 West State St. pleaded guilty on Aug. 19 to criminal possession of a controlled substance in the fifth degree. He faced a maximum of 2 ½ years in state prison. He admitted in court he possessed a prescription narcotic with the intent to sell it.
His attorney sought leniency in court, asking that Saddler avoid jail or prison. If he was going to be incarcerated, his lawyer asked that the sentence start after Dec. 17 when Saddler was due to take final exams for coursework.
Saddler apologized in court to his family, Judge James Punch and the community.
“I never thought I was capable of using such bad judgment,” Saddler said during sentencing. “I know I deserve to be punished.”
Punch said Saddler had multiple sales of drugs. He also has two prior misdemeanors. Punch said he needs to punish people who spread drugs, which he called a “poison” in the community.
“It’s toxic,” Punch said about drugs. “It causes damage to people. They become addicted to it and it could kill them.”
He gave Saddler a year in prison with the sentence to start today. Saddler can tend to his coursework when he gets out of prison, the judge said, calling the sentence Saddler’s immediate priority.
The judge noted he didn’t give Saddler the maximum sentence of 2 ½ years in prison because Saddler admitted his role in the crime.
“If you weren’t honest and hadn’t owned up to it you would be looking at more state time,” Punch said.
Saddler’s wife, Jessica Saddler, 24, was spared jail. She was sentenced to three years on Probation.
She admitted she had more than 2 ounces of marijuana in her upstairs closet on April 14.
She pleaded guilty on Aug. 19 to misdemeanor criminal possession of marijuana in the fourth degree. She could have been sentenced to up to a year in jail.
Mrs. Saddler has no prior criminal history. Punch said she was brought into drug activity by her husband.
In another case, a Lockport woman was sentenced to five years of Probation for being part of a cocaine sale in Albion on June 2. Amanda Brosius, 33, pleaded guilty to criminal possession of a controlled substance in the fifth degree, which carries a maximum sentence of 2 ½ years in state prison.
As part of her plea deal, she agreed to assist the district attorney with prosecution of the codefendant in the case. Judge Punch said if Brosius is involved in another drug case she will surely be sentenced to state prison in the future.
“This is serious stuff,” the judge told Brosius. “I take your involvement in the spread of this very seriously.”