Holley trustee asks for support in today’s election
I would like to encourage everyone to come out today from noon to 9 p.m. at the Village Office to cast your votes for James DeFilipps and Rochelle Moroz.
We are running for re-election as your representatives to the Village Board.
We have served you these past two years and would very much like to continue to serve as we move forward with the many changes and improvements to our village.
I personally would like to thank everyone who signed my petition so I could be put on the official ballot, and to let you know how much I enjoyed speaking with everyone I met.
Remember we do not run on any political party, because we represent all the residents of the Village, so look for the “P” for the people and the “Owl” for common sense, which is how we approach all our decisions and how they will affect all of us as a community.
Thank you for your support.
Rochelle Moroz