Holley seeks volunteers to help with canal cleanup
HOLLEY – The Village of Holley seeks volunteers to help pick up trash along the canal on April 26, about a week before the historic waterway opens for its 190th season.
The village is hosting the “Canal Clean Sweep” from 9 a.m. to noon at the Canal Park on East Avenue. Pawlak’s Save A-Lot is sponsoring the event.
This will be the eighth Canal Sweep state-wide along the canal. The state Canal Corp. is partnering with Parks & Trails New York, and the state Environmental Facilities Corporation for the initiative.
For more information about the cleanup event in Holley, contact Village Clerk Jane Murray at 585-638-6367 x102 or Village Trustee David Dill at 585-943-9188 or dilldavid7@aol.com.