Holley schools will again offer free breakfasts, lunches to all students
HOLLEY – The school will again offer free breakfasts and lunches to all students in the elementary school and at the middle/high school.
The meals will be available to students in school and also those doing remote learning. Holley is currently looking to have two cohorts with students in school for classes on either Monday and Tuesday or Thursday and Friday. The three other days will be for remote learning.
For remote learning days, there will be designated locations to pick up free meals.
This is the second school year Holley is offering the meals for free to all students. The program is available through the Community Eligibility Provision of the National School Breakfast/Lunch Program.
The CEP program provides the opportunity for schools in high poverty areas to provide two nutritious meals every school day, while eliminating the stigma for those students previously identified as “low income.”
For additional information please contact:
Holley Elementary & Middle/High School
Attention: Sharon Zacher, Assistant Superintendent for Business
3800 North Main Street
Holley, NY 14470
(585) 638-6316 Ext 2001