Holley school district approves new trap shooting team
Photo by Kristina Gabalski: Ryan Frank and Kameron Walch pose with Holley Elementary School Principal Karri Schiavone. Schiavone presented the two sixth graders with a district Soaring to New Heights Award Monday evening during the Board of Education meeting.
“Kameron and Ryan have both been taking an active role in stopping bullying around the school, especially at school recess,” Schiavone said. “When they see bullying happen, they talk to the targeted student, and help remove that student from the situation and tell the bully to stop. Both boys are great role models on what a good friend looks like, and great role models to stop bullying in the sixth grade.”
Schiavone said the boys’ efforts show that they practice great character traits even when no one is looking.
District also working on policy for bed bug issues
HOLLEY – The Board of Education members unanimously approved the formation of a new district trap shooting team during their regular meeting Monday evening.
Board member Melissa Ierlan said a meeting is planned Feb. 28 at the Holley Rod and Gun Club at which time students can learn more about the team and sign up. Safety training will then begin during the month of March.
Board members discussed forming the team during their January meeting, but members of the administration requested more details.
Middle School/High School Principal Sue Cory said information gathered over the past month has helped her to decide that forming the team is, “very good, very beneficial. I think it’s a great option.”
School attorney Jeff Martin said he will draft a waiver for parents and guardians of students on the team to cover any liability issues, although club activities will take place off-campus at the Rod and Gun Club.
In other business, Board members discussed the creation of a district procedure regarding bedbugs. Bedbugs were found in an elementary classroom in January and again last week.
John Sherman, director of facilities, reported that exterminators treated two rooms last Friday and no more bugs have been found. “We are in good shape,” Sherman said.
Board President Brenda Swanger noted that the building has been thoroughly searched.
“I witnessed you myself crawling all over the place on your hands and knees,” Swanger told Sherman.
Swanger said she wants the district to prepare a written policy for dealing with bug-related issues. “I don’t care if no one else has one,” she said of the policy.
Superintendent Robert D’Angelo said a policy will be drafted for board approval at the next regular meeting.
Board member Melissa Ierlan questioned what the State Education Department recommends. “People think we can do things we can’t do,” she said.
The district does have a policy for dealing with head lice, administrators said, and noted the bedbug policy could be similar.