Holley, Kendall teachers will play charity basketball game for Amy Laureano fund
Amy Laureano
KENDALL – A faculty basketball game on March 7, with teachers from Holley playing Kendall, will raise money for a scholarship fund in a memory of a beloved Kendall first-grade teacher.
Amy Laureano passed away on July 30. A memorial fund in her honor goes to help students in different ways.
“She was a teacher in Kendall for over 20 years and had an immense impact on not only our students, but our community as well,” said Kendall teacher Taylor Kingsbury. “She is missed by all who knew her.”
Kendall vs. Holley faculty basketball game starts at 6 p.m. on March 7 at the Kendall High School Gym. Cost is $2 per person or $8 per family. There will be contests, prizes and basket raffles. Concessions will be available from Jimmy Z’s.
The Kendall Lions Club also will be having a chicken barbecue from noon to 2 p.m. on Feb. 10 with proceeds going to the Amy Laureano Memorial Fund. The barbecue will be at the Kendall United Methodist Church. Tickets can be purchased at the main offices for the elementary school or junior-senior high school.