Holley celebrates Memorial Day with ceremony and parade
Photos by Sue Cook – Wreaths were placed by the memorial near the Holley Post Office. Here members of the Sons of the American Legion, including Dan Mawn at right, place the third wreath.
By Sue Cook, staff reporter
HOLLEY – The Holley community honored veterans today, first with a ceremony outside of the Jewell Buckman Post 529 and then with a parade through the downtown and services at local cemeteries.
“Out little village has always answered our nation’s call to arms and we have lost many of our young in defense of freedom,” said Chuck Eberhardt of the American Legion.
Major Ryan D’Andrea
Major Ryan D’Andrea told the crowd about the oath that taken by ROTC students at the Rochester Institute of Technology. He explained that this oath has been taken by many and that few likely thought they would have to make the ultimate sacrifice.
“The oath is to the Constitution, the ideals on which this nation was founded, not to any one person, but to the concept. We defend it from all who would see it destroyed. Faith, loyalty, duty, nation. These are the things that those we honor today swore to uphold. Let us reflect on that always,” D’Andrea said to the audience.
The Holley-Kendall Marching Band, led by music teacher Daniel Wakefield, played the national anthem during the ceremony.
Holley Mayor John Kenney addressed the crowd as well. “We are today remembering those soldiers, past and present, who gave their lives so that we, their families, friends and neighbors, may continue to enjoy our precious freedom. May we continue to remember, year after year, that freedom is not free. And may we long continue to thank and honor our United States soldiers.”
Veterans led the community to the VFW. After the parade, veterans went to the cemeteries to lay wreaths.
Holley resident Wendi Pollock was among the crowd with her grandson. “We’re here because I’ve got my two youngest in the military and they’re out protecting our freedom along with all the ones that have in past, present and future.”
The ceremony also included the naming of all those who have passed since Memorial Day last year, a gun salute by veterans and Taps was played on bugle at the closing.
Children’s groups such as Scout Pack 3062 and some of the Little League baseball teams followed the procession.