Historical Society thanked for welcoming hundreds of cyclists in Holley
A big thank you to the Murray/Holley Historical Society (MHHS) for supporting the 24th annual Cycle the Canal Bike Tour. There were 750 bikers registered to participate, ranging in age from 10 to 83.
After an overnight stay in Medina, the riders headed for a scheduled breakfast stop at the Village of Holley park along the Erie Canal. The MHHS has supported this event for 20 of those years and look forward to doing so every year.
The MHHS started setting up at 8 a.m. and provided danish, ice water, Gatorade and coffee which was generously provided by Tim Hortons to complement the much appreciated snacks and fruit provided by the Canal Bike Tour sponsors. The SAG wagon set up near the gazebo was busy assisting riders with minor fixes to their bicycles.
Our members manned the gazebo from 8 a.m. until almost noon when the sweeper came through signaling that the last of the bikers had come through as more than 200 bikers had signed our register. The riders came from all over the United States and Canada. One rider from Denver Colorado, Chris Wilkin, texted a friend and said Holley was “one of the best stops on the bike ride.”
The riders were all very appreciative of the extra rest rooms that were available and many lingered awhile in the shade of the trees and rode down to view the famous Holley Falls.
Again, thank you for coming out and supporting this annual event. See you at next year’s event on July 9-16, 2023.
Rochelle Moroz
Village Trustee and Historical Society member