Hickory Ridge has two close league races

Contributed Story Posted 7 August 2018 at 7:27 pm

Deb Wood and Jan Palmer continue to lead the Tuesday Women’s Late League at Hickory Ridge with 83 points.  Linda Chrzan and Laurie Freeman are in second with 80 points with the teams of Aleta Martin-Diane Hennekey, Cheryl Ferguson-Vicki Brawn and Dona Hazen-Karen Berlew all tied with 74 points.

Wood again had low gross with 43 with Hennekey grabbing low net with a 32.

Men’s Wednesday League standings remain tight with Ray Daniels and Tim Hendrickson holding a one point league over John Carlson and Brian Hofstra.  Larry Palmer and Dave Rau occupy third with Gary Beattie-Jim Zambito in fourth and Mark and Sam Hackenburg in fifth.

Hendrickson led low gross with a 39 and shared low net with  Carlson with 35.

The Men’s Thursday Traveling League show Ray Daniels and Ken Hinkson with a 32 point lead over the second place team of Guy Eaton and Scooter Burgess.  Mike Church- Josh Carpenter and Pete Kaiser-Steve Tipton are tied for third with  Dave Fisher-Tom Hennekey in fifth.

Scott Budde had low gross honors with a 41 and Luke Wrobleski had low net with a 32.  Wrobleski also led with two birdies.