Hickory Ridge crowns seniors champions

Contributed Story Posted 5 August 2021 at 9:31 am

The Senior and Super Senior Club Championships were held this past Monday at Hickory Ridge Golf Resort.

The tournament is for those who are members of both the Hickory Ridge Golf Association and Hickory Ridge Golf Club. Members under the age of 65 were classified as seniors, over 65 as super seniors.

Winning the Senior Club Championship for men was Dave Cotter with an 87 gross.  Jeff Dobson was low net with 81.  Dona Hazen took women honors with a gross of 101 while Melissa Cotter was low net with 82.

The Super Senior Division had a repeat winner in Rich Wheeler with an 81 gross.  Craig Hazen had low net with 78.  Brenda Powers took low gross for the women in that division with an 89.  Marcia Zambito had low net with 73.

In league action the Mens’ Traveling League on Thursday saw some shuffling of the teams at the top.  Leading this past week is the team of Cotter and Knaak with 210 points.  Burgess and Eaton had a good week and moved up to the second spot with 202 points followed by Barry and Froman with 200.  Low gross was Guy Eaton with 37.  Eaton also shared low net with Gabe Nagy at 29.  Lots of birdies last week.  Wes Bedford, Pete Kaiser, Loyd Denniston, Ken Hinkson, Ray Daniels and Todd Draper all reported one.

The Tuesday Ladies Night Out League checked in with Deb Wood and Brenda Powers sharing low gross with a 44.  Powers took low net honors with a 33 followed closely by Faye McNeil with a 37.  Powers and Diane Hennekey both carded a birdie on number 11.  Ann Barton and Faye McNeil continue to lead the standings with 75.5 points.  Jan Palmer and Deb Wood are close behind with 74.5.  Patty Pfister and Barb Passarell are in third with 71.5

Signups continue through Wednesday, August 11 for the Hickory Ridge Golf Association 6-6-6 tournament to be held on Saturday, August 14..  This two-person team tournament is open to HRGA members and social members who have a league handicap.  The format will be 6 holes of best ball, 6 holes of alternate shot and 6 holes of scramble.  players can sign up as a two-person team or as a single and the association will try to pair them up.