Heritage Wind project would bring needed revenue to Barre
It was with great interest that I read your article on the proposed Barre Fire Hall. This would be a wonderful thing for Barre – not just from a safety perspective, but the Community Center would be a much needed anchor for bringing the residents together for many important community events.
The recent wind storm is a perfect example when 636 of 927 customers served in the Town of Barre were without power. The new proposed Fire Hall and Community Center would have served as a Community Warming Center.
Since the original price tag of $1.4 million was voted down in 2014, the costs have increased nearly double to $ 2.5 million. But something else has also increased, and that is a possible funding source for the new Fire Hall and Community Center.
Barre residents have the opportunity, through Heritage Wind, to reap the wonderful community benefits of a wind farm. Local taxing jurisdictions (County, School, and Town) would share the estimated $1.6 million per year. This is over and above what the participating land owners would be paid.
Barre’s Town portion would give them a great jump on this needed Fire Hall and Community Center. I feel certain that the Town of Barre residents will continue their methodical review of the Heritage project as they have done so far. They will logically and rationally look for the facts and follow the Article 10 process in hopes of bringing new prosperity to their hometown.
I would encourage others to look into wind energy and how it can revitalize our counties, our schools, and our towns. Look for the facts, rather than hearsay, and realize what a great opportunity we all have in front of us!
Howard Pierce