Head Start program seeks donations for book fund to nurture young readers
Press Release, Community Action of Orleans & Genesee
Provided photo: “Grandma” Esther Leadley, a member of the Community Action Board of Directors and early childhood learning advocate, reads to a Head Start student in Genesee County. Leadley, a former Genesee County legislator, recognizes the importance of books for preschool children that help create readers for success in school and life.
ALBION – Community Action of Orleans & Genesee’s Head Start program is joining forces to celebrate the Week of the Young Child from April 10 to April 16 with the National Association for Education of Young Children.
The local Head Start program serves over 250 young children, ages birth to 5 years, and their parents in Orleans and Genesee counties. Like NAEYC, Head Start programs are committed to delivering best practice early childhood education that help young children thrive and learn in an environment dedicated to ensuring children reach their full potential.
The 2021 Head Start Book Fund Campaign – “Build a Library … Create a Reader” – will put books in the homes of local Head Start children on a monthly basis.
Esther Leadley, long time active member of the Community Action Board of Directors, has worked tirelessly in advocating for the “Young Child” throughout her career. Her enthusiasm and passion for young children has initiated the Head Start Book Fund Campaign where children exposed to more books can increase their vocabulary and nurture beginner reading skills.
“It’s about our local children and their future,” Leadley said. “I hope others will join me in this annual project that builds home libraries and helps create readers for our Head Start children.”
Head Start donors can help “create readers” with a $60 donation that will ensure one take-home book for one local Head Start child for each of 12 months. A $120 donation will ensure a take-home book for two Head Start children with a book for each of 12 months.
Online donations can be made by clicking here or checks can be made payable to Community Action of Orleans & Genesee and mailed to 409 State Street, Albion, NY 14411