Hawley opposes big pay hike to be proposed for state legislators

Posted 21 December 2022 at 10:51 am

Press Release, Assemblyman Steve Hawley

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) recently spoke about the announcement to hold a special session prior to the end of the year to raise lawmakers’ salaries.

The session would be held to give lawmakers a salary increase of $32,000 per year. This would make New York’s legislators the highest paid of any state in the country.

“This was not the Christmas present taxpayers had in mind. Any legislator who votes for this should receive coal in their stocking,” said Hawley. “Lawmakers’ pay shouldn’t even be on the list of issues for the upcoming session, let alone a special session of the Legislature.

“The cost of this raise would force almost $14 million in additional costs on taxpayers in the state over the two-year term. With the already-high cost of living in New York, downstate politicians still insist on making life even less affordable for residents of our state. We should be attacking issues such as the high cost of living, high crime and investing in infrastructure to fix our crumbling roads and bridges rather than focusing on issues that only benefit legislators.”

State Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt issued this statement:

“The idea that the State Legislature is coming back to Albany tomorrow to vote on a pay raise for themselves is patently offensive to the people we represent.

“It’s no secret that the high cost of living and violent crime are the top two issues for New Yorkers. Yet, Albany’s One Party Ruling Class continues to put their own misplaced priorities first. Their latest scheme: a whopping $32,000 salary increase and a cap on outside income.

“Let’s be clear about what this pay raise will do. It will fill the wallets of lawmakers with the tax dollars of hardworking New Yorkers. It will prevent people with real world experience from serving in elected office. And it will create a permanent ruling class of career politicians in our State Capitol.

“One thing is for certain: the debate about the massive affordability crisis facing New York is over. By giving themselves a pay raise, Albany’s political ruling class is admitting they’ve made our state unlivable if you make less than $142,000.

“This would make the Grinch blush. Taxpayers shouldn’t forget.”