Hawley and Assembly GOP seek to end eviction moratorium

Posted 15 July 2021 at 5:12 pm

Press Release, Assemblyman Steve Hawley

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is joining his Assembly Minority colleagues in a letter to Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie demanding he call a special session to rescind New York state’s eviction moratorium.

The state’s eviction moratorium would persist until Aug. 31, a month longer than federal protections, which are set to expire on July 31.

The eviction moratorium has prevented small landlords from collecting revenue for over a year, even while facing financial obligations of their own.

“In terms of both public health and economic well-being, we are making a comeback from the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic,” Hawley said. “With vaccinations available to all who want them and an abundance of job openings throughout the state, I see no benefit in allowing the eviction moratorium to remain in effect any longer. While these protections were sensible during the worst days of the pandemic, the time has come to allow landlords to collect their revenue, both for their sake and also the sake of other tenants who otherwise might have their rents raised to compensate for rent not paid by others.”