Gray vows to be voice for Shelby residents, with focus on reducing taxes

Posted 27 June 2023 at 7:42 am


The Primary election is today. The Town of Shelby can once again exercise their rights and vote for candidates who they think can best serve their interests.

As a first-timer, this election has opened up my eyes to say the least. Most of the time, there are the good parts – the talking to people, sharing ideas, listening to concerns, and just generally being more involved.

There are also times that can be trying, such as stealing lawn signs, being called out in a non-partisan meeting to serve a political agenda, or even the whisper campaigns from the entrenched establishment. This is politics though and we keep fighting to give the people a clear choice.

The more I talked to residents on the campaign trail, the more it became clear I didn’t have all the answers, nor was I expected to, but I did have two ears and I can hear very common themes.

As a councilperson, if I could be so honored to earn your vote, I promise to be the voice in Town Hall that Shelby residents deserve. First, I will work endlessly to research and vote to rescind the new assessment levels. Our Town is already taxed enough!

Second, I will be a strong leader in Town Hall that advocates for lower taxes and fiscal responsibility. Our residents deserve to have the best services and not break the bank to receive it. We need to examine every budget line to determine if we are getting the best return on investment.

Third, together we can finally put Shelby residents before politics. Our Town is plagued with backroom deals and lack of transparency.

This election is important, extremely important for our Town. If we want to take back our Town, have it represent us, provide everyone with growth, opportunity, and prosperity, then please take a hard look at your ballot today and consider voting for my candidacy.

I am Justin Gray, a life-long Republican, husband, father, farmer, and Corrections Officer.

Thank you Shelby residents for considering me.

Justin Gray
