Grateful neighbor says Sidonio is honest and generous
I am writing you to voice my support for Mr. Joe Sidonio for Murray Town Supervisor. Mr. Sidonio has been my neighbor now for nearly 5 years. During this time Joe and I have had the opportunity to get to know each other very well. Joe has been a great neighbor and it disgusts me to see how this political season has turned into a barrage of personal attacks.
As long as I’ve known Joe he has been a great family man who cares passionately about his family his friends and his town. Joe is unselfishly running for supervisor of Murray because he wants what is best for our town and for the residents of our town.
Since I have moved to Murray my taxes have been steadily rising to a point where it is getting difficult to afford them. This past year was the worst with my property taxes rising nearly $1,000 in one year from reassessments. I am sure like many of you, increases like that are a burden on you and your family. It would be refreshing to have a person like Joe who cares deeply about our town and our residents to be overseeing our taxes and the way they are being handled.
It has been a real pleasure living next to Joe and their business. This past winter was difficult for me because my snowblower had died the previous year and I was left trying to shovel snow by hand. Without me asking and without any hesitation, Mr. Sidonio was kind enough to go out of his way while plowing out their business lots to take the time to plow my driveway for me multiple times. Without his help my wife who is a nurse would not have been able to make it to work on multiple occasions.
I am thankful for Joe as a neighbor and I am hopeful that the Murray residents will make a great choice by electing him as our supervisor.
Joe’s work ethic and honesty is refreshing to see and I know he would carry that over to the Town of Murray as their supervisor!!!
Adam Moore