Governor taking time off after longtime girlfriend diagnosed with cancer

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 12 May 2015 at 12:00 am

Gov. Andrew Cuomo disclosed today that his longtime girlfriend and domestic partner Sandra Lee has breast cancer. The governor said he will be taking some time off as Lee undergoes a double mastectomy and recovers from surgery.

Lee, a TV chef, is 48.

Cuomo issued this statement today:

“A few weeks ago we received terrible news. Sandy shared with me that she was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was devastated. After the news what followed was a blizzard of doctors visits, tests and discussions of treatment options. Sandy is young for her diagnosis, she has no family history, she is healthy and had no symptoms or signals that she was in danger. She has been diligent about going for check-ups and thankfully this was detected in the early stages.

“A situation like this quickly puts life in the proper perspective and reminds one of what’s truly important. To that end, I expect to take some personal time because I want to be with Sandy to support her in any way I can as she handles the trauma of her operation and the pain of the recovery.

“For those of you familiar with Sandy’s life story it will not surprise you that she has met this latest challenge with determination, resolve and grace. She never ceases to amaze me. While she has kept her illness private until now, Sandy has bravely decided to speak openly about her illness in order to remind women of the potentially lifesaving power of early detection. I fully support her decision.

“With heartfelt gratitude for your kind wishes and support, Sandy and I hope and pray to bring you good news of her strong recovery soon.”