GCC suspends fall athletic season
BATAVIA – Genesee Community College has made the decision to suspend its fall athletic season to protect the health and safety of the students and community in light of the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This decision will affect men’s and women’s soccer, basketball, swimming and diving, and women’s volleyball, which is in line with the majority of Region III decisions.
GCC coaches have communicated this news to their teams, and are maintaining continual engagement with the College’s student-athletes, as well as providing opportunities for safe athletic conditioning activities where possible.
“This decision, although not without its disappointments, is the best path for us to ensure the safety and well-being of our student-athletes, coaches and training staff,” said Assistant Vice President of Student Engagement & Inclusion, Kristen Schuth. “While we are eager to move forward with such an important part of the student and campus experience, the landscape of this semester just does not allow us to do so in a method that would have been convincingly without associated risks. I look forward to the day when it is safe for the fields and floors of GCC to hold competitions again.”
GCC will honor all signed scholarship agreements for incoming student-athletes and for those returning.
At this time, the length of the fall sports suspension is unknown, and decisions regarding winter and spring sports have not yet been made. Sport-specific updates will be shared as they become available at geneseeathletics.com.