Gaines Town Supervisor says she has worked to better local government, without playing favorites

Posted 28 August 2017 at 12:07 pm


My name is Carol Culhane, and I am running for re-election as Gaines Supervisor.  I am a 38-year taxpayer of the Town of Gaines. I served on the Zoning Board of Appeals and was the chairperson of the bicentennial in 2009. I am running on my record, which I am very proud of.

I have worked hard in my 5 ½ years as Supervisor to make Gaines more accountable, transparent and accessible to the people. One resident summed up my philosophy this way:  “Mrs. Culhane runs an open door policy with her ‘coffee pot on,’ ready to discuss questions/concerns.”

Whose words are these? They are my opponent’s, Joe Grube, in his letter to the editor dated 9/11/2016.

Mr. Grube now sees things different apparently and attacks me as running some kind of secret operation. And this seems to be his only quibble with me.

Mr. Grube hasn’t raised any other concerns with my record as Supervisor. He doesn’t complain about 4 straight years of tax rate reductions, making Gaines the second-lowest taxed town in the County.  He hasn’t faulted me for discovering and then correcting the over-levying of our water districts or paying down huge amounts of debt with the savings.

He takes no exception with major reductions in water loss obtained through a lot of hard work by myself and the board. There’s no protest over our enhancements to shared services or our commitment to performing annual audits, despite a 7 year audit drought prior to my assuming office.

We have had an active and current website for years and have been on social media such as Facebook and Twitter to provide information resources. He seems to not have used these opportunities for easy access to minutes, audits, calendar, newsletter etc. He passes through our beautiful town hall, improved greatly over the last 5 years with grants I’ve secured without much notice.

Mr. Grube never attended a meeting while the board and I were toiling for these improvements until just last year. Nor has he attended any budget workshop sessions nor budget public hearings.  He doesn’t seem to care about them.

He also is the chairman of the Gaines Republican Committee recently elected and endorsed himself for Supervisor. Not reaching out and finding the best candidate among our community. According to him “keeping taxes in check is smart and a high priority, but it certainly isn’t everything.” (Grube letter to the editor dates 7/31/2017.

So, what should motivate one to run for office? And what should one’s priorities be?

For Mr. Grube, his 9/11/2016 letters leaves no doubt: to get back at me for the board’s unwillingness to appoint his wife as Town Clerk. He goes on for many paragraphs about it, in the first of many diatribes against me personally. This, after no previous interest in town government nor consistent meeting attendance.

I will not get into the reasons why the board – not me acting alone- appointed Ms. Harding as clerk. Those matters are rightly confidential for the benefit of all applicants. I can tell you it has nothing to do with efforts to “backstab” anyone and that all candidates were advised of the appointment after it was done in a public meeting – not behind closed doors.

I take strong exception to an entire candidacy built on vengeance and getting even. In Mr. Grube’s case, it is crystal clear.

If Gaines residents wish to switch horses and select a candidate with no policy proposals, no list of accomplishments in prior elective office, self-centered grievances and an axe to grind, then Mr. Grube is your man. And if you think Mr. Grube will have the same zeal for government once I’m out of the picture and be more accessible while working a full-time job in Rochester and volunteering, laudably, for the Albion Fire Department, then I hope for the best.

If, on the other hand, voters want a leader with a proven and unquestioned record of accomplishments as Supervisor, time and dedication to serve the public with openness, and tell-it-as-is frankness, then I am your candidate.

Let’s keep Gaines working for the people, not the politicians. I would greatly appreciate your vote for the Republican Primary on September 12th at the Gaines Town Hall, polls open noon until 9 p.m.


Carol E. Culhane


Town of Gaines