Gaines man sent postcards to inform Democrats about ‘fake candidates’

Posted 5 November 2017 at 9:12 pm


My name is Dalton Mitchell. I am a registered Democrat in the Town of Gaines, and I would like to confront some of the accusations regarding the mailer that was sent to the Democrats on Saturday.

I created these postcards, the “opponents” had nothing to do with their creation. They contain factual information regarding the cross-endorsed candidates running for Town Supervisor and Town Clerk. They are not illegal in any way shape or form, despite what Rick Ebbs may want you to think.

They do not claim to be from the Democratic Committee, nor do they contain any copyrighted material or libel. I suspect that the local Democratic Chairman is less concerned with their legality, and more concerned with how the contents of the postcard may affect his party’s fake candidates.

That is understandable, as they shed light on the fact that these candidates do not represent the ideals of the Democratic Party in the slightest. If you received a postcard, I hope that you read it, and I hope you heed it’s warning. Susan Heard and Joe Grube are not Democrats, they are Republicans who are trying to slip into office by using the Democratic ticket.


Dalton Mitchell
