Gaines board member urges residents to speak out on town budget
The proposed 2020 town budget in Gaines as presented to me on Oct. 28 takes into account a 6.07 percent average increase in our assessments by the county (which will bring more revenue to the town).
Even though the local tax rate is less, our taxes will increase by 2.22 percent because of the rise in property values.
The budget officer, who is paid $2,000 above his stipend as town supervisor, gave himself a 36.62 percent raise for being town supervisor. All employees received a 2 percent raise and I and all other council persons declined any raise.
Most land owners will pay much more in taxes if this budget is left the way it stands now.
If you would like to express your opinions (for or against) this budget and its impact on your pocketbook, please attend the 7 p.m. public hearing on Thursday, Nov. 7, at the Gaines Town Hall, 14087 Ridge Rd. The tentative budget is available by clicking here or by request from the town clerk.
Mary Neilans, DVM
Gaines town councilperson