Former Shelby town supervisor faults Wolter for costly mistakes as highway worker

Posted 23 October 2023 at 2:17 pm


Since Bill Wolter, candidate for Shelby Highway superintendent, was unable to attend the public forum on Saturday, here are some questions voters might want to ask him before deciding how to vote.

1. Please explain the unauthorized use of GPS tracking data for town trucks being used to track a fellow employee, and was this data released to unauthorized users?

2. Why did you dump diesel fuel and asphalt from a town truck on the wildlife refuge?

3. When you were relieved of duties as water superintendent, why was the computer returned without the Excel file with two years of Town of Shelby owned water data? Did you realize that in trying to recover the data the hard drive on the water department laptop was ruined? Did you realize that the town had to pay for someone to re-enter two years of important data?

4. How is your relationship with your fellow town highway workers?

Jeff Smith

Former supervisor Town of Shelby