FMC will take soil, sediment samples at 3 creeks, including in Ridgeway, Yates

Staff Reports Posted 10 August 2018 at 10:43 am

MIDDLEPORT – FMC Corp. announced will do soil and sediment samples at three creeks in the towns of Hartland, Ridgeway and Yates.

The effort is part of the company’s continuing investigation of arsenic pollution from the FMC’s agricultural chemical production.

FMC wants to test 75 residential, commercial, agricultural and public properties upstream of FMC along Johnson and Jeddo creeks and also an unnamed stream that runs into Jeddo Creek.

The company said it is doing the testing at the request of the state Department of Environmental Conservation and federal Environmental Protection Agency. Those agencies, along with the state Department of Health, approved the work plan for the project.

FMC said the testing will address sampling gaps from previous from 2006 and before that year.

Access agreements are being sought from property owners. These areas have not been part of the soil excavations caused by high arsenic levels in the village.

The sampling areas include the section of the unnamed stream beginning at Pearson and Stone Roads in the Town of Hartland and ending where it joins together with Jeddo Creek on the south side of Ridge Road in the Town of Ridgeway.

Another study area in Ridgeway and Yates includes Jeddo Creek starting at the south side of Ridge Road, as well as Johnson Creek, starting where it joins with Jeddo Creek on the northside of Mill Road and ends at or near Marshall Road.

Field activities and data analysis are expected be conducted from late August through late fall 2018 but are dependent upon obtaining access to private properties and seasonal/weather conditions, FMC said.

FMC is contacting property owners in the study area regarding access agreements and representatives are available to answer questions about the work plan and the agreements, the company said.

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