Fire badly damages house on Ryan Road in Shelby
Photos by Tom Rivers
SHELBY – Firefighters pick up equipment after fighting a fire this afternoon at the Hoffman residence, 10772 Ryan Rd., in Shelby.
Firefighters said no one was home at the time of the fire. A motorist called in the fire after seeing flames on the back of the house at about 2:45 p.m. Firefighters arrived on scene to see the flames and smoke from the house.
The fire caused extensive damage to the house, especially on the back side, said Shelby Fire Chief Jason Watts. He said the damage inside makes it a near total loss.
Fire investigators from the Orleans County Emergency Management Office are working to try to determine the cause. Watts said the fire appears to have started at the back of the house and spread.
A Shelby firefighter walks through the inside of the house, which suffered extensive damage.
Besides Shelby, firefighters responded from Medina, East Shelby, Lyndonville and Ridgeway.
The fire was the first call for this new pumper-rescue truck for East Shelby Volunteer Fire Company. The new fire apparatus went into service on Tuesday. It allows the fire company to replace two vehicles – a pumper and a rescue truck – with one fire truck. The new pumper-rescue truck carries 1,000 gallons of water and has the tools to respond to a motor vehicle vehicle accident.