Fall scenes on a sunny day in Orleans County
Photos by Tom Rivers
A farmer was out this afternoon harvesting soybeans on East Barre Road in Barre. It was a bright sunny day.
Farmers have benefitted from a warm fall, without a hard frost, which has given crops more time to mature. The extra time has been helpful because a wet spring delayed the planting for many local farmers.
These deer ventured out of the woods by the Erie Canal in Albion, just east of the Ingersoll Street lift bridge.
This group had at least five deer. They are pictured at about 6:15 p.m.
These are two different deer. They were getting a drink from the Erie Canal, close to the Brown Street bridge.
The deer scampered down a hill by the towpath.
This caterpillar was also on the move on the towpath in Albion.