Today’s Fair Schedule (July 26, 2014)
Special Event: Kids Love Trucks: Orleans Emergency, Fire Departments, Law Enforcement, and Ambulance Services from across the county will have vehicles on display from 1 to 4 p.m.
Strolling Entertainment: Amazing Magic Joe, throughout the grounds, 5-9 p.m.
8 am: Senior Council Stand Opens
9:30 am: Horse Games Day (Gymkhana) – Carlos Marcello Arena
10 am: All Buildings Open
10 am: Little Britches Swine Show: Open to the Public – Swine Pavilion
11:10 am: Iron Chef 4-H Youth Activity Starts – Trolley Building
12 pm: Small-Animal Grand Master Showman Competition – Wachob Pavilion
12 pm: Leaders’ Pie Stand Opens – Davis Building
12 pm to 8:30 pm: Master Gardner – Lawn of Education Center
12:10 pm: Iron Chef 4-H Youth Activity Judging – Trolley Building
1 pm to 4 pm: Kids Love Trucks: ORLEANS EMERGENCY, Fire Dept., Law Enforcement, and Ambulance Services from across the county. Education Center Parking Lot
1 pm: Registration Ends for Small Fry Pedal Tractor Pull – Fair Office
1:30 pm: Small Fry Pedal Tractor Pull – Pedal Tractor Course: Fair Office
1:30 pm: AirPlay Jugglers – Stage
2:30 pm: The Barnyard Review: Entertainment for your whole family – Lawn South of Knights Building
3:30 pm: Market Animal Auction Preview – Show Arena
3:30 pm: AirPlay Jugglers – Stage
4 pm: Market Animal Auction – Show Arena
4 pm: Small Fry Pedal Tractor Pull – Pedal Tractor Course: Fair Office
4 pm: Chainsaw Chix – Log Cabin
4:30 pm: The Barnyard Review: Entertainment for your whole family – Lawn South of Knights Building
5 pm: Steak Dinner: Sponsored by Renovation Lodge #97 Grand Lodge F&AM of NY Cost $12 – Curtis Pavilion
5:30 pm: AirPlay Jugglers – Stage
6 pm: Set up for Band – Stage
6 pm: Chainsaw Chix – Log Cabin
7 pm: Julie Dunlap & High Maintenance Country Band – Stage
7 pm: Master Gardener Lecture – Education Center
7 pm: Awards Ceremony and Crowning of Fair Royalty – Curtis Pavilion
8 pm: Chainsaw Chix – Log Cabin
8:30 pm: The Barnyard Review: Entertainment for your whole family – Lawn South of Knights Building
9 pm: 4-H Dairy Cow Bingo – Cattle Building
10 pm: Buildings Close
10 pm: Greased Pole Climbing Contest, Final Qualifying Round (Teams Must Pre-register at Fair Office) – At Greased Pole
10:30 pm: Greased Pole Championship – At Greased Pole