EDA seeks $200K grant to help small businesses

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 23 July 2015 at 12:00 am

ALBION – The Orleans Economic Development Agency is seeking a $200,000 grant that would provide business training for small business owners and also help pay their rent if they locate a new business in downtown Albion, Holley, Lyndonville or Medina.

The EDA would offer a 10-week business training program to small business owners, and a downtown rental subsidy as part of the Community Block Grant. The EDA is seeking the funding through the state.

The EDA has run a microenterprise assistance program for about 15 years. To date, 410 residents have completed the MAP training program which gives an overview on taxes, record keeping, marketing, organizational skills, accounting and insurance, leadership and developing a business plan.

Graduates in the program also are eligible to seek low-interest loans through the EDA’s revolving loan fund.

A new MAP class will be offered in the fall.

The spring graduates include Heather LaDue (esthetics and electrology business), Alicia Dingman (interested in a marina), Alex Fig (Orleans Radio), Jessica Reigle/Lorrie Reigle Gurslin (nail salon), Stephen Kruger (Superstruct Architect), Andrea Chilton (garden nursery), Doug Ashbery (Venison Specialty Meals) and Michael Donnelly (small vintage snowmobile engine repair).

In 2009, the EDA had the rental subsidy program and offered a maximum of $3,000 a year to help small business owners with their rent if they locate in the Albion, Medina, Holley or Lyndonville business districts.

The EDA gave $20,004 to help businesses with their rent, including seven in Medina, four in Albion and two in Holley. Businesses must be start-ups or doing expansions to be eligible for the program.