East Shelby Volunteer Fire Company presents annual awards
Photos by Tom Rivers
EAST SHELBY – Nic Culver, right, is presented with the “Firefighter of the Year” award from Fire Chief Andy Beach on Saturday during the annual awards and installation banquet for the East Shelby Volunteer Fire Company.
“He’s always eager to learn,” Beach said about Culver. “It doesn’t matter what it is or where it is, he is always ready to do what needs to be done.”
Beach also presented a Fire Chief Award to Dan Culver, Nic’s father, for “going above and beyond” in his duties as an officer for the Fire Company.
The East Shelby Volunteer Fire Company celebrates its 65th anniversary next month. Fire Company officials presented several awards while also swearing in officers on Saturday.
David Green, a long-time member of the Fire Company, presents a Steward Award to Judy Allen in appreciation for her 45 years of service as an active member of the Ladies Auxiliary.
Gordon Reigle was recognized with a President’s Award for all of his work for the Fire Company. Jackie Barton, the president, also praised David Green for his service. “I don’t know what I would do without them,” she said.
Jeff Taylor and Karen Bracey both received certificates and citations for 25 years of service to East Shelby. They are joined by State Assembly Mike Norris, back left, and State Sen. Rob Ortt.
Other firefighters recognized for milestone anniversaries include: Ryan McPherson, 5 years; Paul Gray, 10 years; Joe Newton and Herb Oberther Sr., 30 years; Charles Allen, Sr. and Mike Fuller, 45 years; and LaVerne Green Jr., 65 years (an original member of the Fire Company).
Ladies Auxiliary members recognized for milestone anniversaries include: Paige Green, 5 years; Lisa Russo and Sawyer Green, 10 years; Rose Allen, 25 years; Judy Allen, 45 years; Jessie Green, 55 years; and Jeannie Reckahn, 60 years.
Jackie Barton (right), president, and other officers take the oath of office.
Other officers for 2018 include: Mike Fuller, vice president; Karen Bracey, secretary; Allen Turner, treasurer; Ken Printup, Dave Allen, Gordon Reigle and Walter Dingman, trustees; David Green, steward; Andy Beach, chief; Devin Taylor, first assistant chief; Deb Taylor, second assistant chief; Dennis MacDonald, third assistant chief; Jeff Taylor, captain; Julie Taylor, lieutenant; Laura Fields, fire police chief; and Sue Behrend and Mike Fuller, EMS officer.
The officers for the Ladies Auxiliary also took the oath of office, including Shirley Printup, president (right), and Bronwyn Green, vice president (center). Other officers include: Deb Green, secretary; Carol Lonnen, treasurer; Jessie Green, Elaine Newton and Sawyer Green, trustees; and Rose Allen, chaplain.
Two local state legislators also went over recent state legislation that has helped volunteer firefighters and fire companies.
A new state law recently went into effect allowing volunteer firefighters who develop certain types of cancers to receive health benefits and coverage for their treatments.
The state also has amended a law in relation to the sale of raffle tickets for bona fide charitable organizations. The changes through the Charitable Gaming Act allow non-profit groups to sell raffle tickets via the internet and provide for additional payment options for raffles and other fundraising activities.
Ortt said he is working to change one state law that went into effect last year that bans anyone the age of 18 from playing bingo in a gaming hall. Previously, there was no lower age limit for children to join in at bingo halls as long as they were accompanied by adults. The New York State Gaming Commission says the law was changed to bring bingo’s minimum age in line with other forms of legal gambling.
Ortt is the chief sponsor of a bill to stop the bingo ban for people under 18.
He also said he would work to help fire departments for funding with some of their equipment costs. He was praised for securing $12,500 for East Shelby to purchase air packs.
“You’re always fighting in Albany to bring your tax dollars back to your communities,” Ortt said.