Duck Race raises $8,300 for Hospice

Posted 8 July 2015 at 12:00 am

Photos courtesy of Hospice of Orleans – The course is set for the duck race on July 4 on Johnson Creek in Lyndonville.

Press Release
Hospice of Orleans

LYNDONVILLE The annual Ducks Ahoy! Duck Race in Lyndonville on July 4 raised $8,300, about $2,000 more than last year to support Hospice of Orleans.

Much of the credit for this increase in sales may go to “Lenny” and “Squiggy,” ducks furnished by Todd Eick and the Medina FFA. Eick is the group’s advisor.

The ducks happily swam in their pool next to the Hospice booth and delighted both children and adults with their antics.

This year Hospice also had two duck mascots in the parade. Vivian Rivers and Evan Pappalardo of Albion “duck danced” their way down the parade route handing out candy to the children. When they ran out of candy they “high fived” instead.

Mary Martin rode in the Hospice van driven by Nyla Gaylord, development director. The two added to the fun by encouraging parade goers to get their tickets before the race pointing out that the odds of winning were better than the lottery.

Vivian Rivers, left, and Evan Pappalardo of Albion dressed up as ducks during the parade on Saturday to promote the race.

Throughout the day Hospice volunteers Mary Ann Tillman, Syliva Goodstine, Cheryl Denson, Colleen Smith, Evelene Callard and Ceil Feldman could hardly keep up with the demand for tickets.

A crowd gathered on the bridge at 3 p.m. on Saturday to watch more than 2,300 plastic ducks of various colors float to the finish line in Johnson’s Creek.

John and Loyd Denniston of Albion retrieved the winners from the pool-noodle race track constructed and set by Lyndonville Department of Public Works employees, headed by Terry Woodworth.

Hospice is grateful to the Lyndonville Lions Club, the Village staff, and to all the Hospice volunteers who made the Duck Race such a success this year. Special recognition is due to Baxter Healthcare International of Medina for their very generous underwriting of the prizes and to Patti Hurd for her sponsorship.

Congratulations to the winners: Stephanie DiGiulio, $500; Nancy Canham, $300; Bonnie Walck, $200; Kay VanNostrand, $150; Michael Dudek, $125; Samantha Cali, $100; The Hughson family, $75; and J & Barbie, $50.