DSS joins in ‘Wear Blue Day’ to raise awareness of human trafficking
Provided photo: Staff from the Orleans County Department of Social Services took part in #WearBlueDay to raise awareness of human trafficking in our community.
Press Release, Orleans County Department of Social Services
ALBION – This past Saturday was National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, aka #WearBlueDay, and the Orleans County Department of Social Services (DSS) took part as the whole team wore blue on Friday. DSS oversees the Human Trafficking & Safe Harbour programs within Orleans County.
“One of our very best tools in battling human trafficking is to raise awareness of the issue, educate people on red flags and let people know of the help available to them,” said Cyndi Stumer, deputy commissioner of DSS, who serves as the Human Trafficking & Safe Harbour coordinator for Orleans County. “Wear Blue Day is a great way to bring attention to these issues.”
As part of this effort, Dr. Stumer put together the FAQ below on human trafficking.
What is Human Trafficking? According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Human trafficking, also known as trafficking in persons, is a crime that involves compelling or coercing a person to provide labor or services, or to engage in commercial sex acts. The coercion can be subtle or overt, physical or psychological. Exploitation of a minor for commercial sex is human trafficking, regardless of whether any form of force, fraud, or coercion was used.
What is the difference between Human Trafficking & Safe Harbour? The Human Trafficking program within Orleans County supports adult survivors of trafficking & exploitation, ages eighteen years of age and older. The Safe Harbour program supports survivors of human trafficking and child sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) under 21 years of age. Both Human Trafficking and Safe Harbour are not limited to sexual acts but also include labor trafficking/exploitation.
Are there acts of Human Trafficking and/or CSEC within Orleans County? Human Trafficking, and CSEC, is everywhere; therefore, it is important to be educated on risk factors. “If you see something, say something.”
What is the largest risk factor in Orleans County? According to New York State Community Action Association in 2023, 14% of Orleans County population lives in poverty. This percentage, along with housing shortages in Orleans County, puts our community at risk for survival sex. Survival sex is sex in exchange for basic needs such as money, food and housing.
What is the largest misconception of Human Trafficking and/or CSEC? The largest misconception is that human trafficking involves kidnapping. Human trafficking is not human smuggling. Human trafficking is the use of force, fraud or coercion (manipulation) to get another person to provide labor or commercial sex. Anyone with access and power can be a trafficker and anyone can fall prey to traffickers; therefore, it is important to be educated on red flags
What is the Lilypad? The Lilypad is Orleans County’s Safe Harbour program that is dedicated to educating & empowering Orleans County youth on healthy relationships. The Lilypad reviews red flags and risk factors and enforces “if you see something, say something.” For details on The Lilypad please email safeharbour@orleanscountyny.gov.
How can I get my youth involved in the Safe Harbour Program? Please contact our Human Trafficking Liaison (Heather) at 585-589-7000 or email safeharbour@orleanscountyny.gov.
How do I learn more about awareness events on this topic? Please contact Heather at safeharbour@orleanscountyny.gov to be added to our email list.
To report activity that you suspect is related to human trafficking, please call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center’s 24/7 hotline at 1-888-373-7888.