DOT will discuss new roundabout on Route 77 in Town of Alabama
Press Release, Department of Transportation
ALABAMA – The New York State Department of Transportation announced it will host an information session at the Alabama Fire Hall, located at 2230 Judge Rd., on Wednesday, Nov. 14, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The DOT will discuss a project that includes safety enhancements at the intersection of Route 77 and Ledge Road in Alabama.
The meeting, which is open to the public, will begin with a short presentation from DOT representatives directly involved in designing the project, followed by an opportunity for the public to ask questions regarding the project’s design and implementation.
As part of the project, a modern roundabout is proposed to be installed at the intersection. Roundabouts have been proven to be an effective treatment in reducing accidents and the severity of vehicular crashes.
NYSDOT has current information posted online regarding roundabouts, as well as downloadable brochures. Click here for more information.