Dollar General in Cobblestone Historic District would be a blow to tourism

Posted 5 November 2018 at 7:46 am


Do you know Dollar General wants to build a department store across from a National Historic Landmark (1849 Cobblestone Schoolhouse) on Ridge Road in Gaines? That would be a devastating blow to the integrity of the Historic District, and to tourism which brings revenue to our community.

People from all over the world come to visit National Historic Landmarks, including our Cobblestone Museum as it is unique to our country’s rich heritage. There are a little over 2,500 National Landmarks in the United States, and we are lucky to have one to celebrate and to add to the richness of our community.

If you believe in preserving history and the foundation of America, please join us in helping to fight the unnecessary destruction of our history.

On Thursday, November 8, at 7 p.m., the Gaines Town Board will consider a Cobblestone Museum request for a moratorium on commercial development and subdivision within the Historic District. The town has already committed to a process of studying and revamping its zoning. Therefore it makes sense to delay any development until the study and revamping are complete.

Your voice matters! After all, you don’t see franchise stores outside of the National Monument or the Gateway Arch in St. Louis? They both share with the Cobblestone School in being a National Historic Landmark, and our fellow Americans have made sure they are preserved for generations to come.

Thank you,

Al Capurso
