Democratic candidates appreciate forum at Albion
We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the Lake Country Media/Orleans Hub for organizing and presenting the Village of Albion Candidate Forum this past Thursday.
Thank you to the Albion Central School District for the use of the Elementary school cafeteria and also to the people who helped make the Forum a success by serving as Moderator, Question Scanners and Timekeeper. This was a great way for village residents to meet the candidates and hear their views and we hope these forums will once again become a part of our village election process.
The forum was video recorded and can be viewed on YouTube (click here). If you were unable to attend please take the opportunity to view it in its entirety prior to the election on March 20th.
For those of you who did not get a chance to speak to us or ask your questions please consider attending our Meet & Greet on March 17 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Hoag Library where we will be happy to address all your concerns.
Joyce Riley
Jason Dragon
Sandra Walter