Democracy weathered storm in latest elections

Posted 11 November 2022 at 8:41 am


Democracy was on the ballot; our nation was at a critical point. “We the People” strong army of Americans used the power of the vote to bravely support democracy-defender candidates.

Some also wrote post cards to other voters; some sent texts; some made phone calls; some donated; some shared fact-checked information and thoughts on social media, some canvassed door-to-door, some drove others to the polls; some wrote letters of opinion to newspapers; some newspapers selected and printed our letters of support for pro-democracy candidates; some waited in lines that were too long; some bravely worked as poll workers, a very long, exhausting Election Day; record numbers of young people voted for the  very first time and more… Thank you, “We the People” for standing together to defeat fascism and keep the democracy we have known for 250 years.

Every race didn’t turn out the way we hoped, but democracy won. “We the People” sent a strong message to election-denying candidates. We rose above our immediate selfish concerns of inflated kitchen table issues like food and fuel prices, a shortage of some supplies, worldwide issues, much worse in other countries. The loss of democracy would not fade as these short-term issues will.

These victories will go a long way toward building life-saving protections for democracy for 2024 and beyond. Our “to do” list includes protecting the freedom to vote and the future of our elections. Future generations will have better lives because democracy won.

Carol Nochajski
