DEC will discuss remediation plan at former Starlite in Medina, a State Superfund site
File photo by Tom Rivers: The former Starlite Dry Cleaners site on Main Street in Medina has been knocked down and removed. This photo is from 2014. The state Department of Environmental Conservation has more work to do on the land.
MEDINA – The state Department of Environmental Conservation will have a public meeting on Jan. 22 to discuss the next steps with the cleanup of the former Starlite Dry Cleaners site at 331 North Main St.
The DEC is proposing a $490,000 remediation for the next phase which includes removing 8 feet of soil and other work.
The DEC has already taken down the building at the site, which was badly damaged in a fire in 2004. The location is a State Superfund Site and is listed as a Class 2 site in the State Registry of Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites. A Class 2 site represents a significant threat to public health or the environment, with action required, the DEC said.
The meeting on Jan. 22 begins at 6:30 p.m. at Lee-Whedon Memorial Library, 620 West Ave. DEC staff will discuss the remedy proposed for the land.
The DEC plan includes:
• Excavating contaminated soil to approximately 8-feet below surface grade in an approximately 300-square foot area;
• Disposing offsite an estimated 90-cubic yards of contaminated soil;
• Importing clean material that meets the established Soil Clean-up Objectives for use as backfill;
• Treating contaminated soil and groundwater through injection of a chemical reducing agent 10-ft above and 10-ft below the top of bedrock;
• Collecting and analyzing end-point soil samples and post-remedial groundwater samples to evaluate the effectiveness of the remedy;
• Implementing a Health and Safety Plan and Community Air Monitoring Plan during all ground intrusive activities;
• Implementing a Site Management Plan for long term maintenance of the remedial systems;
• Recording of an environmental easement to ensure proper use of the site.