Dan Thurber retiring from Oak Orchard Assembly of God
Church on Ridge Road welcoming new pastor to the pulpit
Photos by Ginny Kropf: The Revs. Dan Thurber, left, and Bryan McDowell talk at the altar of Oak Orchard Assembly of God Church, after a dinner this evening to welcome the Rev. McDowell as new pastor. The Rev. Thurber will preach his last sermon on Sunday.
MEDINA – The Rev. Dan Thurber is retiring and will preach his last sermon on Sunday as pastor of Oak Orchard Assembly of God.
The Rev. Thurber has served the church as pastor for 21 years, having taken over from his father, the Rev. Stan Thurber, in 2002. The church was the Oak Orchard Betterment Society when the Rev. Stan took over in 1961 and founded the Assembly of God. The Rev. Dan served in many capacities during his father’s 41 years as pastor, including youth pastor for 15 years and business administrator.
Dan said his decision to retire was the result of a distinct message from God, who told him specifically it was time for him to retire, he said.
Coming out of Covid was difficult, he said, which played a part in announcing his decision to retire at their annual business meeting in January 2022. On Dec. 22, 2022, the church elected the Rev. Bryan McDowell as their new pastor.
The Rev. McDowell was born in Pittsburgh and grew up in Saratoga Springs, where his grandfather Percy Davis was named to the Harness Racing Hall of Fame. His grandparents both still live there, he said, which may have played a part in his decision to return to New York.
The Rev. McDowell served in Connecticut for a time, and lastly, in Wisconsin for six years. He and his wife Whitney have three children, Elias, 7; Aurora, 2; and Theo, 3 weeks.
“We had been praying about a transition,” the Rev. McDowell said. “I had lived in New York as a child, so when God opened this door, we pursued it.”
They waited for the birth of Theo to make the move to Lyndonville, where they have purchased a house, he said.
The Rev. McDowell is excited to begin his new duties and continue what the Rev. Dan Thurber has started.
“A priority is building relationships with the congregation, and then see what God brings to us,” McDowell said.
“I will support Bryan as pastor, and this will always be my church home,” the Rev. Thurber said.
Oak Orchard Assembly of God has Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Sundays, worship at 10:30 a.m.; children’s church; Sunday family night; adult praise, prayer and share; Bible kids night for ages 4 -11 and youth 12 – 18; and prayer and Bible study on Wednesday night.
The Rev. Dan Thurber and wife Diane, left, and church board members enjoy coffee with the Rev. Bryan McDowell and his wife Whitney this evening. The Rev. McDowell will assume duties as new pastor next Sunday, replacing the Rev. Thurber, who will retire after Sunday’s sermon.