Dale Root is hard-worker who knows how to connect with people

Posted 4 November 2019 at 6:30 am


I am writing to you to recommend Dale S. Root for Town of Shelby Highway Superintendent and ask the citizen voters of the Town to vote for him. I’d like to tell you why.

My name is Ed Pillard. I am not a resident of Shelby. In fact, my wonderful wife, Jan, and I live in Vero Beach, FL. For the last 10 years, Jan and I have been friends of Dale and Helen Root.  I want to tell you how we became friends because I think those reasons are the same reasons that you should vote for Dale.

I’m assuming that all of you know that Dale has been a farmer and trucking company owner and operator for years. He has great experience for the job. I assume his opponent does also.  But, I want to tell you about Dale’s special character.

Jan and I live in a guarded community in Vero Beach. We rented our investment condominium to the Roots for a few weeks, for the first time, in 2009. They were actually working for a citrus packing company in town, not on vacation. Shortly after they moved in, the guards at our community entrance started referring to me as “the guy who rented to the Roots.” After only a few days of residence, Dale and Helen had befriended all of the guards in the community to the point that they had a better relationship with the guards than any of the permanent residents, including me. A lesson taught by the character of Dale and Helen.

Over the last several years, Jan and I have seen the Roots about once a year. Dale and I text or call probably about once a month. To call us best friends would be a misrepresentation. But, the reason for that is because of our physical separation. If we were a resident of Shelby, Dale and Helen would be our best friends. They have exhibited nothing more than the best of human character with the highest values and ethics I have seen in my 70 years of life.

I can’t imagine that anyone would be more committed to do a great job for you as Highway Superintendent than Dale with Helen’s support.

I believe in Dale as a great person, with the character, values and ethics that you need from your elected officials. You can’t go wrong supporting him and voting for him. You can count on him.


Ed Pillard

Vero Beach, Fla.