Cuomo is a proven fighter deserving of support for re-election

Posted 23 August 2018 at 8:56 am


On September 13 there will be a Democratic Primary for Governor. If you are a registered Democrat, you can vote.

Permit me to tell you why I am supporting Governor Cuomo. First and foremost he is a proven fighter against the wrecking ball Trump agenda.

Mr. Cuomo is pushing for a guaranteed fair minimum wage. He will continue to advance gun safety, defend health care,  protect reproductive rights, reunite separated immigrant families, provide tuition-free college, support paid family leave, safeguard the right to union organizing, ensure LGBT equality, stand with Puerto Rico and expand voting rights making it easier for low income, seniors and non-drivers to vote.

I encourage you to support our Governor on September 13.

Thank you,

Al Capurso
