Culhane’s husband says she is ‘a courageous fighter’

Posted 10 September 2017 at 12:11 pm


My name is Jerry Culhane.

I’d like to tell you about my wife Carol. I know her better than anyone.

As a Marine Corps combat veteran, I have earned the right to call someone a patriot. My wife, Carol is a true American Patriot. She serves her Country every day while at her post as Gaines Town Supervisor.  She is not a politician but a community servant working for you and not for the power, the pay or the prestige.

As Supervisor, Carol has demonstrated her loyalty to the Town of Gaines, the Republican philosophy and the voters. When she is asked, what party are you she always says the same thing, “I love my God, I love my Country and I believe in the Constitution.”

Leading by example, she has streamlined government, reducing spending and cutting taxes. Managing the water sales, making sure everyone pays for the what they use, getting rid of the over levying of the water districts and on and on. You are paying less today for the same high level of governmental services than when she began 6 years ago.  Under Carol’s leadership Gaines is the second lowest taxed town in the county.

Carol is a caring and compassionate woman. She has dedicated her life to her family but can also be tough as nails, a courageous fighter. We operated a Christmas tree farm for 18 years and felt we served our community well. She has been a great support of the local communities all the way to Washington, DC with her services to the military and the veterans. Carol has donated, worked for, assisted and given to many, many charities and causes over the years.

We as a family have seen some wonderful times together and some very trying times as life happens but she is always there. She’s loyal to a fault, hardworking and devoted. Gaines is our home and Carol has committed herself through dedication and duty for the betterment of our town for all of us.

I was asked just recently, after 32 years of knowing Carol, what does she mean to me? My response is “everything.” I fully support her loyalty to the Town of Gaines and all the good work she has done.


Jerry Culhane
