Culhane has been successful reducing Gaines taxes
I am writing this letter to tell you why I am supporting our Gaines Supervisor, Carol Culhane, for re-election.
As a property owner and senior citizen in the Town of Gaines, I have been pleased to see her and the Gaines town board work hard to reduce our property taxes four years in a row.
Carol Culhane came to the supervisor position with a bookkeeping background. She worked with the town board initiating annual independent audits from 2012 forward, gleaning information which led the town to implement new policies and procedures, untangling inconsistencies from the past.
In addition, Carol’s tenacity and determination contributed to solving the water loss and billing discrepancies, which has resulted in the water department actually generating revenue.
Why should we change our leadership when we are benefiting from an efficient town government with the second lowest tax rate in the county?
Christine Sartwell