Cubs score 2 wins; Indians top Orioles

Contributed Story Posted 10 June 2018 at 10:55 am

Cubs 9, A’s 5
The Woodroe Realty Cubs defeated the A’s 9-5 as Camden Fike, Briley Allen and River Jones led the way with each banging out three hits on the day.

Fike had two doubles and scored three runs.  Allen had three RBI’s and Jones with two RBI’s.  Ethan Page had two hits, including a triple and three RBI’s.  Brennan Allen had two hits and scored twice.  Vinny Gray, Jude Lacy and Bradley Goyette added singles.

Cubs 8, Somerset Braves 2
The Woodroe Realty Cubs beat the Somerset Braves 7-2 as Briley Allen, Ethan Page and Vinny Gray, each had three hits.

One of Page’s hits was a triple and he had two RBI’s.  Allen also contributed two RBI’s.  Camden Fike had a single and scored two runs, as did Gray.  Brennan Allen, River Jones and Jude Lacy added singles.  Jones and Lacy each had a RBI.

Indians 8, Orioles 1
The Champs Mini Mart Indians downed the Medina Orioles 8-1 with a solid pitching performance by Lex Gray, Luke Duffina, and Aidan Papaj.

Big hits sparked the Indians offensive attack. Aidan Papaj went 2-3 with 3 RBI’s on a home run and a double and Gray 2-3 with 3 RBI’s on a double and a single, Clayton Wagner 3-3 with 3 singles and a RBI, along with singles from Luke Duffina RBI, Dylan Johnston, Zachary Graham and Jacob Duffina. Also reaching base was Lukin Szatkowski.

Yankees 4, Mets 1

The MTA Yankees won their fourth game in a row on Saturday downing the Bogan Tuttle Mets 4-1.  The Yankees played a very strong defensive game only allowing 2 hits over 6 innings.

Brody Fry pitched 3 shut out innings with 6 strikeouts, Cole Callard followed with 2 scoreless innings with 4 strikeouts, and Tyler Kroening finished the game to secure the win.

Colton Smith and Cameron Kenward both had key catches on pop flies to stop the Mets rally.

Fry led hitting going 2 for 2 with 3 RBI’s and stole home for another run.  Callard added a hit and scored 2 runs and Kroening scored a run.