CRFS will move into Chase site
Photo by Tom Rivers – JPMorgan Chase closed its Albion call center earlier this month after the company worked five years out of this East Avenue site, which was previously home to Washington Mutual. Claims Recovery Financial Services will be the new tenant in the building, which is being acquired by Roger Hungerford of Medina.
ALBION – A company that has grown so fast it couldn’t fit its entire workforce in one building in Orleans County has found a local home for its 500-plus workers.
Claims Recovery Financial Services will move into the former JPMorgan Chase call center on East Avenue. That site once housed 1,000 workers at Washington Mutual’s peak in Albion.
CRFS outgrew space next door to Chase and added 230 workers to the Olde Pickle Factory in Medina. The company has 320 employees in Albion.
At 1 p.m. today the company is announcing the move to the Chase site. Roger Hungerford, owner of the Pickle Factory, is buying the Chase site and CRFS will be his tenant.
The news is viewed as a major positive for Albion, which will benefit from all the workers visiting local businesses. The Chase building also is highly visible on Route 31. The sprawling parking lot full of vehicles will be good for the community’s morale.
Jodi Gaines started the business from her kitchen table 11 years ago. It has grown into the county’s largest private employer.
CRFS works with banks and investors to recoup money when a home is foreclosed. Gaines and her employees are committed to knowing the industry regulations in all 50 states and meeting all deadlines for clients.
CRFS also has a site in San Antonio with 80 employees. will have more on today’s announcement following the press conference in the Orleans County Legislative Chambers.