Covid cases continue uptick in Genesee, Orleans

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 13 April 2022 at 9:59 pm

Charts courtesy of Genesee & Orleans County Health Departments

The number of confirmed Covid cases in Genesee and Orleans counties continues to climb after very low numbers in February and most of March.

Orleans is reporting 83 new cases the past week from April 6 to 12, while Genesee has 119 new cases.

That is up from 54 in Orleans and 62 in Genesee the previous week. The week before that from March 23 to March 29 there were 25 cases in Orleans and 33 in Genesee.

Both counties remain low for community spread, according to the federal CDC.

The Genesee and Orleans County health Departments reports that another Genesee resident passed away from Covid bringing Genesee’s total Covid-related deaths to 185 during over two years of the Covid pandemic. Orleans has had 113 Covid-related deaths.

The new Covid cases in Orleans include 53 from lab tests and 30 from at-home tests. Genesee’s  119 cases include 75 from lab tests and 44 from at-home tests.

Statewide the positivity rate for tests is up to 5.32 percent or 6,546 confirmed positives out of 123,079 tests on Tuesday. The 7-day positive rate is 4.35%, Gov. Kathy Hochul announced today.

“As we inch closer to the Easter and Passover holidays and many New Yorkers prepare to travel and gather with their loved ones, it is critical that we continue to utilize the tools at our disposal to prevent COVID spread and protect those around us,” Governor Hochul said. “Those who are traveling should get tested before they leave home, and those who test positive should stay home and discuss possible treatment options with their doctor.”