County and town officials should work to consolidate and reduce government costs

Posted 18 December 2023 at 11:17 am


Lynne Johnson, the chairwoman of the Orleans County Legislature, and the county legislators have important information.

They know how to reduce taxes, they understand the process to make this happen and know the people in the State of New York who will help. It is called consolidation. Why have they not told voters the benefits of consolidating the 10 town governments into the county government?

To date, 25 NY counties have consolidated town and village governments into their county government. They say it makes government more efficient and reduces taxes. These counties are:  Delaware, Greene, Broome, Jefferson, Madison, Allegany, Onondaga and 18 more.

Perhaps it is time for county residents to ask Johnson and the other legislators why they have kept this important information from voters. I invite Johnson to respond via the Hub.

Jack Capurso, a member of Albion’s Class of 1960

Ashburn, Va.